Outreach Commission
The Outreach Commission coordinates the ministries of pastoral care, social services, peace and justice and evangelization. Its scope includes outreach to both the parish membership and the larger community, either in the neighborhood or beyond. The Outreach Commission coordinates the following subcommittees: Pastoral Care, Social Services, Peace and Justice and Inactive Catholics.
The Commission is responsible for the following:
- Funneling moneys to the Social Service committee and St. Vincent de Paul in order to fill requests for temporary aid and assistance.
- Making sure the needs of the sick, homebound and those with disabilities are being met through the Pastoral Care Core Group and the network of pastoral ministers.
- See to it that people's requests for spiritual aid through visitation in homes, hospitals and nursing centers are being met through pastoral ministries.
- Fostering membership in a parish-wide community of prayer that responds to special intentions and prayer needs of parishioners.
- Fostering an active evangelization program through the efforts of the Inactive Catholics Committee.
- Communicating to the entire parish community the work and ministries of all the outreach groups and organizations, as well as fostering a parish-wide awareness of each person's responsibility to recognize and serve those in need.
- Promoting programs that emphasize respect for life, from the unborn to death.
- Participating in special events that give witness to Christian love and challenge injustice and self-seeking behavior in the parish, neighborhood and the world at large.
- See to it that special task groups are formed to handle periodic service projects in the parish, such as blood drives, collections of food, clothing and/or money for the needy, or those involved in local, national or global disasters.
- Peggy Jenkin (Chair)
- Scotti Steingrebe
- Maris Sturtevant
- Mirna Alcala
- Fiona Braten
- Vicki Maldonado
- Cristina Perez
The Outreach Commission is responsible for assisting the following ministries:
- Advent Giving Tree
- Knights of Columbus
- Library & Gifts
- Prayer Shawls
- Sick & Home Bound
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Homeless Meal Ministry
- Rosary Makers Ministry
- Respect Life
- Grief Share
- Whole Person Ministry
- Commit to and promote the Respect Life Ministry in our Parish by supporting the efforts of the Turlock Pregnancy Center.
- Start a committee to fulfill the Grief Share Ministry.
- Use “Welcome Home” or “Landings” to invite those not attending Mass to come back.