Pastoral Council

About Us

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to help in the fostering of pastoral activity in the parish. The Pastoral Council is "to investigate ...all those things which pertain to pastoral work, to ponder them and to propose practical conclusions." (canon #511). "The council has very clear functions: to develop the correct understanding of the parish's mission and to formulate policies, so that the necessary directions are taken if the ministry is to be carried out." (National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1980) The Pastoral Council is made up of members of the parish who are to be good Catholics and Christians of proven faith, good morals and outstanding prudence. They are to be "so selected that the entire portion of the people of God" be truly reflected in all its diversity .  However, once selected, they are not to be representatives of any particular sector but rather concerned about the total parish. While the Pastoral Council possesses only a consultative vote, in no way is the pastoral council to be merely a rubber stamp. Canon law (canons #460- 572) lays out a necessary framework in which true collaboration can take place within the church at every level. The Pastoral Council helps to create a parish vision.  They seek better ways to foster organization and communication within the parish.  They develop priorities to make the best use of limited resources.  They try to strike a balance between rapid change and stability.  


  • Fr. Patrick Walker (Pastor)
  • Don Grishaw(Chair)


  • Gene Gomes
  • Maria Sousa
  • Claudia Parreira
  • Joe Ballas
  • Ofelia Reynoso
  • Elaine Magni

Contact Us

If you have any concerns that you would like to bring to the attention of the Pastoral Council, please send an email to [email protected].