Worship Commission
The Worship Commission is to give direction to the liturgical life of the parish, as well as fostering and promoting the spiritual growth of all parishioners, enabling them to understand what it means to be a baptized Catholic Christian. It also seeks to provide opportunities for personal and communal prayer besides the celebration of Holy Eucharist. The Worship Commission coordinates the following committees and groups: The Liturgical Planning Committee that plans the weekend Masses for the various seasons, all the liturgical ministries, prayer services outside of Mass, periodic retreats and the annual Parish Mission during Lent.
The Worship Commission includes the Liturgy Committee, Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers, Art and Environment Committee, Network of Prayer, Altar Servers, Ministers of Hospitality, Adoration.
The Worship Commission is responsible for the following:
- Overseeing and coordinating the liturgical ministries of the parish, including music, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, servers, art & environment, ministers of hospitality, children’s Masses, liturgical planners.
- Fostering dialogue between liturgical ministers and committees in order to insure that liturgical and spiritual programs are reaching the needs of all parishioners.
- Evaluating periodically the weekend liturgies, drawing upon the insights and feedback of parishioners.
- Promoting communal prayer through the parish mission, retreats, days of recollection, adoration, Advent and Lenten devotions.
- Fostering an annual evaluation of parish programs of spirituality in order to discover what is working and what more might be needed in order to meet the diverse needs of the parishioners.
- Maria Sousa (Chair)
- Daniel Sousa
- Primitivo Soria
- Blanca Tinoco
- Celia Sanchez
- Leticia Ocegueda
- Pasqual Ocegueda
- Martha Jimenez
- Rafael Jimenez
The Worship Commission is responsible for assisting the following ministries:
- Altar Guild
- Apostolado de la Cruz
- Children's Liturgy
- Church Cleaning
- Legion of Mary
- Liturgical Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Nocturnal Adoration
- Sacristans
- Laudes
- Hora Catolica
- Create a ministry for greeters trained primarily in welcoming parishioners.
- Provide pamphlets and posters with information describing ministries.
- Meet and train all members of Liturgical Ministries to provide Unity in serving.